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the mask

‘the mask collection’,


our first capsule, including the very first range of high quality tees, hoodies , jackets and accessories .


Presenting ideals on how privatisation and consumerism exploit humanity, the people will always use consumerist garments or products (a mask) to conceal away their insecurities and humanity, this also allows an obscurity of identity; providing leverage to identify into different cliques. 

fuck consumerism

‘fuck consumerism collection’,


our most recent production, including your favourite lighthearted designs on premium garms.


Undertaking a more direct approach to introducing how luxury brands and companies take advantage of the average person. By creating a brand that ultimately mimics these high end fashion houses, then almost mocking their methods and ideals, to present how this brand, like others are valueless.

get emotional

‘get emotional collection’,


emotional luxurious Garms and accessories available from our web. store today.


An investigation through an element of humanity which can be veiled or distorted through the consumption of consumerist products. How the psychology of colours and identity can be used as a way to present your emotions to others without using body language, facial expressions or other forms of communication. 


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