by definition:
affected by lethargy;sluggish and apathetic.
gone corporate (2020) [a4 poster design] final
as i already said (2020) [a4 poster design] final
true story II (2020) [a4 poster design] final
true story II (2020) [a4 poster design] final
it doesn't (2020) [a4 poster design] final
we dont like spending (2020) [a4 poster design] final
and again... (2020) [a4 poster design] final
news flash (2020) [a4 poster design] final
- following designs which using contrast colours, imager and text in order to present sinister ideas through a tongue&cheek form.
- all designed on photoshop to. be printed on a4.
- a response to artist's such as Dotmaster, creating my own tongue & cheek designs as reaction to consumerism.
Material and process:
using create clipping mask to present a contrast between patterns and colours which resemble either happiness, freedom or love to present a contradictory ironic poster design.
still using floral imagery from Miguel Vallinas as well as using mixed paint as a nod to the 'get emotional' collection.